get YOUR 1st QUALIFIED LEAD WITHIN 7 DAYS OR your audit fee back + $50👋

Discover how one tweak to your business can unlock explosive growth, our audits have helped businesses 4x their revenue in just one month


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You might be doing everything you can, but without knowing where your business is bleeding money or missing chances for growth, you're leaving massive revenue on the table.

Most business owners are so deep in the weeds that they can’t see the bottlenecks holding them back.

This is where we come in.

“I first approached Lachlan because I was looking for a person to manage my social media, but when we met for lunch, he saw so many more holes in my business, flaws in some of the things I was doing and opportunities that I was losing out on, that I ended up bringing him in to take care of the business operations and managing my team.

Lachlan managed my team and optimised their skills without me almost getting involved at all.

He built a new community for my business inside a mobile app, transformed the website, set up automations, instructed my video editor to make relevant content and more.

I truly believe that Lachlan is an asset to any business.

Jean-Pierre De Villiers

In LESS THAN 20 MINUTES, we’ll analyse your business, identify bottlenecks, and deliver actionable TWEAKS THAT could generate hundreds of thousands in revenue.

(P.s You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take)

CeceCosmetica | From Zero To 40k In Sales In Just Under 2 Months With A $2200 Ad Spend (24/09)

$40,234.91 from zero in 33 days with a $2,378.64 Ad Spend

(In today’s day and age of internet scams and false claims, if you’d like to see real results like this live over a screen share, you’re more than welcome!)

Born to Build, Now It’s Your Turn.


Business is the only thing I've ever done for income , aside from two sales jobs to learn how to sell faster.

Business is in my blood.

At 10, I’d collect bottles and cans for a 10c profit a piece.

I learned how to run a business at an accelerated rate from a really young age.

This early experience shaped me as a person and has been one of the most valuable tools in my journey.

From that day , I’ve poured every ounce of energy I have into learning, improving, and becoming the best business owner and operator possible.

I know plan to use the frameworks I’ve learnt to help others accelerate theirs.

real result from real business owners.

Ali Haque

Fine Automotive Detailing

You know when you have a vision in your thoughts and going through your mind and it just seems to perfect but you don't know how to bring it to life.

Well Lachlan was the answer.

After searching for month on end and finding no hope. I found Lachlan.

The first moment I laid an idea, a foundation to Lachlan.

I instantly knew that I have finally found the right person to help me create my vision on Website design.

After few zoom meetings, going back and forth and sharing the ideas with each other and showing me the outlays of designs, from which text, what colour theme, to creating a format which no other companies had.

It completely blew me away on what he came up with.

I was stunned, more so shocked what in envisioned and he created for me.

I was extremely happy.

Well happy is just an under statement.

I was blown away with the website he came up with.

Every time I got a call from a customer.

The first thing they would tell me. Ali great website, great writing, amazing content.

I know it seems like I am making this up but in all honesty.

These are the exact words that would drive my customer to book me for the job.

I cannot thank Lachlan enough to help me built my dream website and now we are focusing on meta ads and it's already proving amazing results.


How Tasty became Adelaide’s

fastest growing detailing business with

zero ad spend.

Despite starting Tasty on the first day of COVID, in year 1 we generated $97,198.69 in total sales from 1 store.

With a single day hitting $6,549, proving that high ticket offers and strategic marketing deliver serious results.

In year 2, Tasty scaled even further, generating $151,526.06 in total sales,

with our biggest day bringing in $10,515 from 12 payments.

55.89% year on year growth wasn’t a fluke, it was a result of refining our marketing systems and

continually optimising how we reached and converted our organic audience.

Keep Reading..

  • Our business audit is a comprehensive deep dive into your operations, marketing, and sales funnel.

    We don’t just scratch the surface, we uncover hidden revenue opportunities, optimise your systems, and identify high impact changes that can immediately boost your profits.

  • Valued at $2,997 one time setup fee, we are offering it as a 2 person bonus.

    We’ll set up your first Facebook lead generation campaign for free!

    From ad copy and targeting to optimisation, we’ll handle everything to get your business generating leads right away.

    Because of the level of work that goes into creating a custom, done-for-you campaign, we’re only able to offer this to 2 businesses.

    Once these spots are filled, the bonus will no longer be available.

    If you want to take advantage of this exclusive bonus and have us set up your first lead generation campaign, act fast, spots are filling up very quickly!

    P.s If we don't get you a lead within 7 days, we will refund your business audit fee + pay you $50AUD for wasting your time.

  • Detailed recommendations on improving leads, conversions, and revenue.

    After the audit, you’ll receive a detailed, step-by-step report outlining specific strategies to implement.

    No bs, just clear, actionable recommendations that could have an immediate impact on your bottom line.

    This report will be your roadmap to uncovering untapped growth and revenue potential.

  • Changes that you can implement instantly to start seeing results.

    You won’t have to wait weeks for results.

    During the audit, we’ll give you real-time insights and quick wins that you can start implementing right away.

    Whether it’s tweaking your lead generation or optimising your sales funnel, these takeaways will drive rapid improvements, often with little to no extra cost.


“After incorporating an automated CRM, Tasty saw a 4x revenue increase within one month. “

That’s just one of the simple tweaks we identified that had a massive impact on their business.

Want to see results like these?

Book your Business Audit now and get your done for you lead generating machine

(2 left, be quick - they cost us $ to do)