Let’s cut the BS

We all want to make more…

Like way more, so in that case.

You’ll need a consistent way to get leads, and AN

even better way to convert THOSE leads into CASH MONEY (at scale)

(And if you don’t - then you won’t have a business for very long)


  • If you look at the way most businesses operate today, you'll notice that what worked 30 years ago doesn't work anymore.

    For those willing to capitalise on the opportunity created by a lack understanding + effort into key areas, like...

    Having a high performance marketing department, then you'll know there's a chance to take market share and build a business that's actually consistent.

    Remember, to an investor, having a guaranteed way to get and keep customers can be a gold mine

    Over the last 11 years, we've found numerous ways, across various industries, to get in front of customers and build real businesses that people actually give a f*ck about!

    Not just transactional entities that rely on the hope of customers walking in the door that day.

    At Brandr, we don't leave getting customers up to chance.

    Hope isn't a strategy, and frankly, anyone who runs a business like that is... (insert expletives here).

  • If you break down some of the biggest companies in the world, you'll notice none of them are set up like the worst branded local business in your area.

    Drive down the street and take note of most local businesses, Bills Roof Cleaning, John's Plumbing, Jenny's Bakery etc

    Not that interesting, right?

    Now, compare that to a company like Google.

    When you hear Google for the first time, you think, "what the f*ck is Google?

    But when you hear John's Plumbing, you never pause because it’s not super intriguing.

    In today’s world, a business is a brand.

    Whether you like it or not, as the owner, the brand is set by your customer.

    The customer’s perception of your business is dictated by the effort you put into that function of your business.

    Without a brand, you have customers who don’t care about your business, aren’t loyal, and aren’t excited for what you’re bringing out next.

    When they have a problem, they don’t think of your name.

    When they want a new t-shirt, they aren’t buying yours first.

    The money you lose by not having a brand far outweighs the cost of building one.

    Think about it.

  • A strong business is built on predictable lead flow and the ability to close those leads, turning them into paying customers.

    If you're like most businesses, you probably don't pay for leads at all, or you don't have a predictable way to get new ones.

    Running a business without a clear method for acquiring new customers means you'll find yourself in a world of stress and uncertainty, never knowing what's going to happen next.

    We call it "hoping for the best week to week."

    By understanding that every business has a customer journey, identifying how that journey unfolds, and knowing how to pay for new customers while tracking how much money those customers bring in, you're putting yourself in a competitive position.

    Competing against a business that has these systems in place becomes nearly impossible, and as long as you don't make any major mistakes, there's very little you can do to mess it up, you can grow it as big as you like.

    We build an end-to-end system that takes care of getting your business new, qualified leads ready to buy.

    For the 90% of people who aren’t ready to buy immediately, it keeps them engaged and interested, ensuring your business stays top of mind when they are ready to purchase.

    This system can scale as big as you want because automates the heavy lifting, using technology to ensure that human error doesn't become your bottleneck.

  • As a business scales, the complexity of operations becomes more troublesome if you don't leverage technology.

    If you aren’t taking advantage of it, you’re fundamentally wasting money, human resources, and your own time.

    Remember when you first started your business, desperate for customers, doing whatever you could to win them over?

    Remember that first lead and how quickly you replied...

    "Ooo yipee, my first lead!"

    And in the beginning, you went above and beyond for every customer.

    When people called, you answered because you were the owner, the only person there, and it had to be done to make the business work.

    That was all good until you got busy, suddenly, everything stopped.

    One customer got the royal treatment while another didn’t even get a reply.

    While it’s no one’s fault, it still impacts your business.

    In today’s world, it’s easy to automate all the key steps inside your sales process and customer journey.

    Each stage of the customer buying process can be executed exactly as you would have done it manually when you first started with just one customer.

    The financial implications of implementing a system to automate tasks within your business will be one of the best investments for your bank account, as well as for customer satisfaction and the legacy your business leaves behind.

  • The amount of wasted opportunity sitting in a typical sales pipeline is frightening.

    As mentioned before, if you don’t have a way to organise the inflow of people wanting to do business with you... that meaning the ability to "quickly" convert interest into dollars.

    Then no matter how big you try build your business, you'll always be stuck and loose a bunch of money in the process.

    Take another example:

    When most people start their business, they use a Gmail account, and leads slowly trickle in, leads meaning interest in that particular business.

    As those leads come in, the owner/operator can typically reply to them in a streamlined fashion with minimal stress.

    But as the business grows, maintaining a consistent buying experience for each customer becomes more stressful, until it gets to the point where it’s no longer executed properly.

    By breaking down your sales process and pairing it with technology, you can easily see where a customer is in their buying journey, how much that customer is worth to you, and how you can add dollars to your bottom line.

    With the right data in front of you, you can make smarter decisions.

    On top of that, you can scale your sales team because you can track, measure, and give each sales representative a clear process to execute on, allowing them to make money for your business without the fear of paying someone for a net loss.

  • Your online presence ties directly into the virality of your brand, and your ability to consistently put positive attention in front of the right audience.

    Where traditional marketing companies fall short is their failure to see the mandatory connection between content and deeply understanding a brand story.

    If you don't account for the impact of customer perception and the importance of managing that perception delicately, your content will miss the mark entirely, conveying the wrong message.

    This ultimately leads to a brand that doesn’t align with your vision, attracting the wrong customers.

    As a business, it’s difficult to price the true cost of managing one's online presence because handling it is one thing...

    Strategy is another, and doing both simultaneously, while understanding how this fits into your business ecosystem is a whole different conversation.

    By obsessing and asking the right questions over a long enough period, we’re able to accurately gauge what a brand wants to convey, then reflect that in the content across all platforms.

    However this needs to be done at the volume required for growth achievement, not simply what a marketing budget allows for.

    Because, fundamentally, if at the time of purchase, if your brand isn't top of mind, then all your prior efforts will have been wasted.

    Simply because you didn't do enough when it mattered most.

IMPORTANT Disclaimer

We are not for everyone.

Simply because the work we do requires a lot of time, effort, and energy to do right.

When it comes to marketing and growing a business, if the necessary steps aren't taken, the outcome you’re hoping for just won’t happen.

So, a wallet and a pulse isn't enough to get a yes from us.

If you want a massive business, you need to understand that your inputs have to match the size of the business you’re aiming for.

If they don't, you'll fall flat on your face.

As a business, we're limited by the number of people we can work with because, at scale, our model doesn’t work.

We put an intense amount of care into each business we work with, and doing that for 1000 businesses would be impossible.


  • We only work with businesses that meet specific criteria to ensure we can deliver results that matter.

    • Your business must generate a minimum of $250k+ in annual revenue.

    • You must be ready to invest at least $3,000 per month (excluding ad spend).

  • You need to actually want growth and be ready to close sales (not just say you are).

    It's critical to be proactive with the leads we generate because even the best, hottest leads won’t matter if they aren’t followed up on and converted by a human being.

    If that doesn’t happen, everything breaks down, and instead of personal accountability, it becomes a blame game.

  • In today's attention economy, you need to give everything to your brand.

    From the content you create to the volume you put out and the way you run your ads, you’ve got to live and breathe your business every single day.

    Where most marketing agencies fail is the lack of extra effort to truly make things work.

    Marketing and sales are the direct drivers of your business, yet so many neglect them, then wonder why growth never happens...

    The reality is simple: marketing and sales solve all.

    We’re that company that will give you only the best, period.