100k+ per month service business model

Once you know the basics, you can adjust it your way.

This framework applies to any service business, but I’ll use detailing to illustrate the points.

1 | Creating the Right Name

The first step in setting up a business like this is coming up with a catchy name.

I like to think through the lens of “Would this business name sound right if it were worth 100 million dollars?”

Putting it through that litmus test helps create better names.

I also look at existing brands and how they name their companies.

You’ll notice that many of them choose really obscure or unique names, which help them stand out.


2 | Developing Your Logo

Once you've settled on a name, the next step is the logo.

I create logos with mental associations similar to big brands so that people immediately trust the brand.

Then, I’d register an ABN and ACN if I were in Australia.


3 | Building Your Website

After that, it’s time to build a website.

I recommend using Squarespace because of its templates, but I always customise the design so it doesn’t look generic.

I consider the customer journey carefully because the website’s only goal is to capture leads, and leads turn into customers.

Every page on the site should be geared towards converting visitors into leads.


4 | Capturing Leads & Automating Sales

To capture leads, I integrate forms and calendars from HighLevel into the website.

This setup turns the site into a lead capturing machine.

I also set up my sales pipeline in HighLevel, with automations in place to ensure the process runs smoothly.

This ensures no lead slips through the cracks and every potential customer has the maximum number of touchpoints.

If they aren’t ready to buy immediately, the system keeps them engaged until they are.

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5 | Testing Your System

Once you have a system that can qualify leads, whether they’re cold or warm - you’ll find that when you get on a call with them, your close rate will be much higher.

At this point, you have a well-oiled machine.

All you need to do to make more money is increase the traffic at the top of the funnel.

To test whether this system works, I recommend running Facebook conversion campaigns to different landing pages.

These landing pages should be designed to convert traffic and capture leads.

Make sure you add tracking pixels to Squarespace and set up custom conversion events in Facebook to track purchases or lead events.

That way, you’ll know exactly how much it costs to acquire each customer.


6 | Running Facebook Ads

When running ads, I like to have six different creatives per ad set.

I use existing posts from Instagram as part of the strategy.

For any business, I recommend daily engagement with your customers through stories and posting your product or service on your feed.

For example, at Tasty, we posted every car we detailed, along with the services in the description.


7 | Delivering Over-the-Top Service

The key is to offer over-the-top amazing service, going above and beyond for every customer.

Treat every interaction with the goal of helping the customer, not just making a sale.

This mindset increases your LTV because people recognise that you care.

When your work is so good that customers keep coming back and telling others about your business, it never stops growing.


don’t fix what ISN'T broken


How to price your detailing servicE